
Dûrgrimst Feldûnost was one of the thirteen dwarf clans and also one of the five named after the animals native to the Beors. They were considered to perhaps the most revered of all the clans.[1]

Clan Name[]

It was dedicated to the Feldûnost, hardy, sure-footed, goat-like animals.

Role in Society[]

The members of the Feldûnost clan were an agricultural clan, tending the Feldûnost and fields.

During the Dragon War, Dûrgrimst Feldûnost bravely stayed out in the open while the other dwarves hid, to tend the Feldûnost that provided the milk and meat that kept the dwarves from starving.[1]

Dûrgrimst Feldûnost was opposed to Dûrgrimst Ingeitum staying in power.

Notable Clan Members[]

Gáldhiem was clan chief.

