Dûrgrimst Ragni Hefthyn was one of the dwarf clans. The name translated means "the river guards". As their name implies, they guard the border of the dwarven realm along the Âz Ragni. They are skilled river mariners. They were the dwarf clan that housed Orik, Arya, Eragon and Saphira during their stay in Tarnag. Their traditional clan seat was located at Tarnag. Ûndin voted for Grimstborith Nado as the Dwarves's new king in Brisingr at Gannel's orders. After Orik was proclaimed king, Dûrgrimst Ragni Hefthyn warriors joined with the other clans to join the Varden under Orik's orders.
Notable Clan Members[]
- Ûndin, Clan Chief
- Thorv, Banner bearer and chief guard to Ûndin
- Ama, River Guard
- Tríhga, River Guard & Steersman
- Hedin, River Guard
- Ekksvar, River Guard, & singer
- Shrrgnien, River Guard, underwent Ascûdgamln
- Dûthmér, River Guard
Dwarf clans |
Az Sweldn rak Anhûin | Ebardac | Fanghur | Feldûnost | Gedthrall | Ingeitum Knurlcarathn | Ledwonnû | Nagra | Quan | Ragni Hefthyn | Urzhad | Vrenshrrgn |