Tarnag was a dwarven city northwest of Farthen Dûr. It was built on a series of terraces carved out of the side of the mountain and was controlled by by Dûrgrimst Ragni Hefthyn.[1] It contained Celebdeil, the greatest temple in all of dwarfdom.
Tarnag was located in Beor Mountains in a valley that contained the lake at the from which the great river, the Âz Ragni flowed.[1] It was southeast of Buragh and northwest of Farthen Dûr which meant Tarnag could not be attacked until either or both of those cities were defeated.[1]
Tarnag was built by reworking the sides of the Beors into a series of terraces.[1] The outer wall was forty feet thick, and within it was Tarnag's main gates that protected the city. The lower terraces were used primarily for farmland which was dotted with squat halls made entirely out of stone.[1] There were five more tiers, each with their own gates, after which, tier upon tier of main city lied.
In contrast to the fortifications, Tarnag itself was built in a cunning way, such that the stone buildings gave an impression of lightness and grace. In the city were shops and homes, made out of vibrant, glazed, stone and adorned with bold carvings, usually of animals.[1] The tiers all culminated up to the dome of the great temple Celbedeil which glistened and made the city seem like nothing but steps on pyramid leading up to it.[1]
Unlike Tronjheim, Tarnag was built for the dwarves without any other races in mind. As such, the city was constructed to match their short stature, with doorways being five feet high at most and usually being only four and a half.[1]
Tarnag was one of the dwarven cities that was abandoned from Galbatorix's rise to Morzan's death and it was only returned to in the decade and a half preceding the Rider War.[1] It was also home to the clans Dûrgrimst Quan, Dûrgrimst Ragni Hefthyn, and Dûrgrimst Az Sweldn rak Anhûin.